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Rules and Terms for Our Social Network
Using our social network requires that you accept these rules and terms. By using the network, you agree to abide by these rules.
The user is responsible for all activity that occurs on their account. It is not allowed to share passwords or let others use your account.
Posting content that is offensive, hateful, threatening, sexually explicit, or that could be perceived as bullying or harassing other users is not allowed.
Posting content that violates the copyright of others or uploading illegal or pirated content is not allowed.
Using our social network for marketing or advertising without our permission is not allowed.
We reserve the right to remove content that is no longer relevant or that does not uphold the rules, at our discretion.
Only one account per person is allowed. It is not allowed to create multiple accounts to bypass restrictions or to break the rules. We reserve the right to close multiple accounts or to permanently close accounts if this happens.
We collect and store only necessary information about the user in order to provide our services, and to be able to contact the user if necessary. Processing of personal data takes place in accordance with applicable law, including the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We ensure that personal information is only accessible to employees who need to use it to perform their duties. We give the user the opportunity to see, change or delete their personal information. We give the user the opportunity to opt-out of marketing. We have procedures in place to handle any data breaches.
Complaints should be sent to our complaint address or via our complaint service, which is available to logged-in users. Complaints should include a description of the problem and any documentation supporting the complaint. We will respond to the complaint as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days after receiving the complaint. If there is a dispute between you and us, we will try to resolve it through negotiations. If this is not possible, the dispute shall be resolved by ordinary court. By accepting these rules and terms, the user agrees that any disputes shall be settled in accordance with the laws of the state or country where the company has its headquarters.
We may display ads on the network, including banner ads, pop-up ads, and sponsored content. Advertising will be marked as advertising or sponsored content to distinguish it from editorial content. The user has the option to purchase a subscription to remove ads. We reserve the right to change or terminate advertising on the network at any time. We reserve the right to change prices for subscriptions for ad-free service. We do not guarantee that advertising or advertisers on the network are reliable or offer quality services or products. We are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from transactions with advertisers on the network. Users can opt-out of advertising by making a one-time payment for ad-free use of the service, or by choosing a subscription that includes an ad-free service. Subscriptions for ad-free service can be automatically renewed every month or year, depending on the selected plan, and can be cancelled at any time by the user. Changes in price for subscriptions for ad-free service will be announced well in advance before they take effect, and users will have the option to cancel or choose to continue with the new price.
Our social network may contain links to other websites or services that are not owned or controlled by us. We are not responsible for the content or practices of these websites or services, and we recommend that the user reads the applicable rules and terms for these websites or services before using them.
Our social network may be changed or updated at any time...